
Saturday 17 November 2007

7 Random Things About me

Well both Abzdragon and This Girl Remembers tagged me with this meme, so I guess I should do it! Seven random things about me that you may not know:

1. I once bumped into an elephant. I was camping in Victoria Falls campsite with a friend and going back to the tent in the dark one night we were scared of stepping on snakes so we were focussing the torch on the ground, then suddenly oops - there was an elephant right in front of us!

2. I hate the smell of Himalayan Balsam. It may be a pretty flower but it stinks!

3. I couldn't face the thought of going to my Graduation Ceremony so I went on an archaeology dig in Poland, much more fun! Then somehow I ended up with two graduation certificates!

4. I find really cool things in the streets - I've found a lovely silver ring with black stones, a wooden ottoman with a velvet lid that looks perfect in the bay window in our bedroom, and books of course.

5. I can't stop buying second hand books, I keep telling myself its an excellent form of recycling and my purchases help charity - both true but how am I going to find time to read all these books?!

6. When I was living in Malawi, one of my fingers swelled up and turned green. I had to lance it with a needle and then it went back to normal.

7. I can't cut in a straight line, as anyone who's ever had a homemade greetings card from me can tell you.... (This is one of the reasons I could never sell the greetings cards i make!)

Now I know this meme is doing the rounds, so I'm not going to tag anyone, but if you want to join in, consider yourself tagged!


  1. Glad to hear you find good things in the streets. I have found two beautiful chairs - one rocker and a recliner - both of which I recovered with fake fur that looks a bit like the Wombles. I also used to spot a lot of plastic or wooden letter 'E's. Make of that what you will!

  2. Hi Crafty -- Cool things about you! I really enjoyed reading these. Bumping into the elephant must have been quite startling -- I wonder what the elephant thought about it! And finding stuff in the streets is always a thrill -- I, too, find neat things and always keep my eyes on the lookout. And yes, books!!! I LOVE second hand bookstores and can never have enough books either.

  3. Ok, I had to read #1 twice to make sure this wasn't just a saying - that it was literal! heehee

    Thank you for sharing!


  4. Anonymous5:44 pm

    This is a great list of things! And now I have a very strong urge to visit my local used bookstore. :)

  5. I don't know why but I lol-ed at the elephant bit. Also I spend WAY too much money in used book stores... so I feel that. I like the way they smell :P

  6. Anonymous11:02 pm

    When I was tagged with this one I had to come up with 30 things. I think you should give us the missing 23!

  7. Yes, cool things.....

  8. Anonymous3:58 am

    Great to read these tid-bits about you. And how cool about where you went instead of going to graduation.

  9. The silver ring with the black stones set my bells ringing. I must pay more attention when I'm out walking ...

  10. Jem - wonderful to find those pieces of furniture, the letter E's - odd!

    Clare - I'm not sure the elephant even noticed! Thankfully!

    Pixiedust - thanks

    This girl remembers - remember to take a couple of good strong bags!

    Abzdragon - I like the smell of books too, though some of the really old ones smell a bit musty.

    Dick - I'm glad I only had to come up with 7!

    Jo, Audrey - thanks!

    mm - yes you never know what you might find!

  11. Anonymous3:57 pm

    Really enjoying your posts, I am glad you brought me here, nice to know you a little bit better, love second hand books too :) Thank you.

  12. real cool, huh! "books are fun! books are great!" so the barney song goes. i also collect books and don't know when will i have the luxury of time to read all of them, too.


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