
Sunday 16 September 2007

Orkney - Pre-historic Sites

Orkney is full of prehistoric sites. There are neolithic settlements and stone circles, burial cairns and strange unexplained chambers. We visited the Ring of Brodgar on a suitably misty day. It's wonderful to walk from the smaller Ring of Stenness towards Ring of Brodgar, which first appears on the hilltop in the distance then to finally reach the circle.

We also visited Skara Brae, a wonderfully preserved neolithic settlement, which was built partly sunk into the ground (interesting to think that current ideas on building environmentally friendly buildings sunk into the ground are presented as so radical) or possibly became gradually buried by sand-dunes (which may be an explanation for the apparent sudden abandonment of the settlement).


  1. How absolutely fascinating. There are so many of these stones in the United Kingdom. They are most awe-inspiring.
    Once again thank you for sharing these wonderful photos.

  2. Anonymous5:33 pm

    Fascinating read and wonderful photos! I love the standing stones.

  3. Anonymous1:18 pm

    I have read of this place. Talk about a walking holiday! Great photos/

  4. One day I would love to go there, Judy:)

  5. Janice - thanks, yes there are standing stones in a lot of places in the UK but Orkney has more than anywhere I think.

    Sandy, Quietpaths - thanks

    Judy - oh you should, Orkney is wonderful!


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