
Sunday 16 September 2007


We've just got back from a wonderful week in Orkney. We took the train to Aberdeen and then the Northlink ferry to Kirkwall. We enjoyed exploring the island, with its landscape, wildlife and two interesting towns of Kirkwall and Stromness. We also enjoyed eating Orkney ice cream and drinking some of the real ales brewed by the two Orkney based breweries.
I've posted more about our holidayss in the posts below:

Prehistoric Sites
Italian Chapel and Fossil Museum
Sea and Coasts


  1. welcome back! wow, looks and sounds like you had a great time! and wild waves with a stormy sky is my ideal for visiting the sea, far much greater character than deckchairs and factor 50 suncream! you must be very good at birdspotting from the sounds of it too. after reading that i feel ready for another holiday! have a good day :)

  2. So glad you've made it home safe and sound. The photos are stunning! What a visual feast!


  3. Na - we did have a wonderful time and yes the sea has so much more character in the wild wind! We love birdwatching.....

    Thanks pixiedust!

  4. I enjoyed looking at your photos whata grat place...sadly I've never been to scotland or orkney!


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