
Sunday 16 September 2007

Orkney - Italian Chapel & Fossil Museum

The Italian Chapel on the tiny island of Lamb Holm was built in 1943 by Italian prisoners of war in two Nissan Huts, using largely scrap materials. The chapel is still used for services.

Travelling further south there is the Fossil Museum on the island of Burray. This is a fascinating museum, downstairs is dedicated to fossils, many of which have been found in Orkney. We found some this fossil ferns on the beach at Marwick Head:

The upstairs rooms of the Fossil museum are dedicated to the history of Orkney during the world wars.

The islands of Lamb Holm and Burray are attached to Orkney Mainland by the Churchill Barriers, sea defences dating from the Second World War, now serving as useful causeways, though dangerous to cross in 'adverse weather conditions'.

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