
Saturday 1 September 2007

Rocking Girl Blogger Award

I'm delighted that Na of Shadows and Clouds has nominated me for the Rocking Girl Blogger Award! The Rockin Girl Blogger award originated with Roberta Ferguson here. I now get to nominate up to five Rocking Girl Bloggers. It's difficult to choose as there are so many great blogs out there, but I decided to keep it to just two who really do rock:

Abby, aka Abzdragon, from Geek Tragedy is a young rocking poet already getting published and performing her work - without stage fright she tells me! I wish I'd started out in poetry with so much confidence!

Michelle at GPP Street Team sets rocking Crusades - art journalling challenges on topics such as 'My Rockstar Moment', 'Tattoos' and 'Playlists'.

Why not check them out!


  1. Congratulations. And thanks for posting links to other blogs I should check out.

  2. Anonymous3:01 pm

    Congrats to you Juliet! And MANY THANKS for bestowing this honor on me :) I'll wear it proudly (and loudly) xoxo

  3. yay! i shall curiously and gleefully go check them out! have a good weekend!

  4. I didn't see this until today because I haven't even been near a computer I've been so busy!! Congratulations to you for recieving the award, it's much deserved!! and Thank you SO much for nominating me!! :) It's my first award *single tear* <3


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