
Sunday 2 September 2007

Green Christmas Meme

Even for someone who has already made a diary and a calendar for next year, this seems too soon, but A New Green Earth has tagged me with the Green Christmas Meme.
Here are the questions I had to answer and my answers.
* What is your favorite Christmas gift? Anything that is thoughtfully chosen, fair traded or locally made. I love hand-made gifts, but don't get them very often. I remember when I was a student, a friend gave me a gift of home made jam once, that was wonderful. Our family have a lovely tradition now of giving each other second hand books for Christmas. Another gift idea I like is donating money to charity through schemes such as Oxfam Unwrapped, though some of these schemes are better than others and no goats please!

* What is your best memory of Christmas? I spent two Christmases in Malawi, we had wonderful parties and one year spent Christmas on the beach at Lake Malawi. Recently I've had lovely romantic Christmases with my partner. Favourite childhood Christmas memory - building an igloo in the garden.

* Depending on where you live do you have a hot or cold Christmas? Cold, but its warming up due to climate change. (No igloo building these days!)

* Would you prefer to try the opposite weather at least just once? During my two years in Malawi Christmas was way too hot.

* What do you prefer in a tree? We decorate house plants!

* What is your favorite Carol? In the Bleak mid-winter.

* What is your favorite Christmas Dinner? Nut roast, potatoes, sprouts with home made spicy tomato sauce followed by homemade trifle made with organic fruit salad and Southern Comfort.

* Do you wear a Santa Hat at Christmas? Sometimes a green one, but it always falls off

* Have you ever seen Santa delivering your gifts? No but when my parents left mince pies and sherry out for him and a carrot for the reindeer, they had always disappeared the next day

So how about you? If you want to join in the very early Christmas Meme, green or not, just post your answers in your blog and let me know in the comments!


  1. Anonymous9:13 pm

    Your Christmas dinner sounds great. The `nut roast' especially appeals.

  2. Here I was thinking it was too early to mention Christmas (though I did!), and you have a whole Christmas Meme going!

    I love homemade gifts! And that nut roast sounds divine, but I would be keeping an eye on the trifle... my husband would be keeping his eye on the SoCo (Southern Comfort)!


    Thank you for your lovely visit to my blog.


  3. YAY Christmas!! I am working on a perfect recipe for Pumpkin Spice bread atm... I was just going on about how I wanted it to be Christmas soon today so I love that you posted it as well. Good that it's on someone else's mind also! I too LOVE homeade gifts


Hi, thanks for leaving a comment! I try to visit everyone back!