
Friday 31 August 2007

End of life as We Know It?

Nothing ends - all transforms,
changes direction like a river bends.
Day becomes night, bodies decompose
to feed roses, freeing spirits to roam.
When the earth dies (whether
at our hands or after peaceful millenia
orbiting a dying star) atoms from
Amazonian rainforests will become
part of some magnificent
beings we cannot imagine
on a helium atmosphered planet so far
away it seems beyond
the end of space.

The End for Sunday Scribblings

This poem has been translated into Spanish by Nia andcan be read as part of her post on composting.


  1. Great blog with beautiful poems..quite lyrical :) I shall be back for more.

  2. Anonymous11:46 am

    This is going straight into On Poetry, probably on a post about composting.

  3. Wildlife Gardener - thanks for visiting, glad you enjoyed, I'll be delighted to welcome you back anytime!

    Nia - sounds good, thanks!

  4. that is optimistic...I like it!

  5. What a beautiful way to think of endings

  6. All transforms... that's a true way of looking at things, I like the dimensions you gave to this poem.

  7. That's lovely, what a pleasant way of looking at things!

  8. Anonymous10:03 am

    I can relate to that as I think in similar lines. For me end is only the beginning.

  9. Everything is finite. But maybe every end is a beginning? Nice to hope so, in any case.

  10. This was beautiful- knowing that we will never end but become a part of something else even more magical...

  11. Sweet poem . . .

    Makes me think about how sand bars move with the ebb and flow of the oceans . . .

    And how we crazy humans build cities upon the largest of these sand bars, otherwise known as barrier islands . . .

    Ah, well, those sand bars, as well, will move . . .

    Sweet poem . . .

  12. Anonymous8:04 pm

    Yes! What a lovely poem, and a profoundly beautiful idea. I like to think of the other end, too - not just what will come in the future, but what the atoms that make up our world now once were (We are stardust...).

  13. salute!!! it reminds me of a toast....

  14. Anonymous9:10 pm

    Very good, and much more the way I usually think of things. Isn't that a key part to greener living too? Our actions DO impact others, our decisions and what comes of them DOES go on beyond this very moment.

    Nicely done!

  15. I adore this. What a hopeful look at what's in store.

  16. I like the idea of my body feeding roses. Never ending just changing.

  17. What a beautiful way to paint a spiral. Love this.

  18. Wonderful thoughts here Juliet. You depict this world of change with excellent imagery. Insightful as well as thought-provoking.

  19. I love the way you used the prompt for Sunday Scribbling. Lovely sound and form. I love that full circle concept.

  20. I agree... there truly is no end just transformations. Lovely green poem!

  21. Expansive. I like the concept.

  22. Anonymous11:40 am

    lovely thought it reminds me of scattering ashes I have done this 3 times ashes of my parents and a friend differnt places, diferent beaches, but the feeling of returning them to earth to live agian.

  23. Anonymous4:52 pm

    Beautiful interpretation of this week's theme - tranquil and reflective. I've bookmarked your page for a longer visit in the future.

  24. I loved it. A good reminder that things don't begin or end, but are rather transformed.

    Thanks for visiting my blog and for your comment.

  25. Lovely, truthful poem.

  26. the ultimate in recycling

  27. hormony, arboleda, gilson, gill, regina, this girl, paisley, patois, annie, janice - thanks!

    gautami - exactly!

    pacian - perhaps!

    oceanshaman - sand bars, yes that's a nice image.

    saoirse - you don't come by here very often do you?

    tammy - yes nice to have an image of becoming part of flowers...

  28. inland empire girl, sentient marrow, hope, jennifer, boliyou - thanks!

    susan - yes I think these thoughts wouldgo through my head if I were scattering ashes...

    missmelis - I look forward to you visiting again!

    Ingrid - yes, transformation
    Sister AE - and indeed recycling!

  29. This poem reminds me of the Death Tarot card.

    Very symbolic.

  30. changes direction like a river bends

    nice phrasing and a thoughtful poem!

  31. Anonymous6:21 am

    You are right nothing ends - it all simply transforms.
    Your poem gives one a sense of hope.
    Thanks for sharing.

  32. Thought-provoking poem with nice images of the circular rhythm of life.
    Thanks for the reminder of life's qualities.

  33. Magnificent. And I second Tammy on the neverendingness of oure bodies.

  34. Anonymous8:56 pm

    As you step away from the human perspective (if that's possible!) it is easy to witness the interconectedness of all life. Your final imagining may not be too far from dream...


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