
Sunday 6 May 2007


Ocean dark
to the horizon -
oil spill.


penguin dives
into the icy sea -
plastic bags.


white foaming waves
break on jagged rocks -
abandoned oil drum.


I love the vast beauty of the sea. I am heartbroken to think of the devasation humans cause through oil spills, inappropriate fishing methods, dilapidated sewage treatment plants and pure carelessness.

The Marine Conservation Society (MCS) is a UK charity dedicated to caring for our seas, shores and wildlife. MCS campaigns for clean seas and beaches, sustainable fisheries, protection of marine life and habitats, and the sensitive use of our marine resources for future generations.

We can all play our part in helping to conserve our oceans:

Choose sustainable seafood - Visit for advice on sustainable seafood.
On holiday don't buy souvenirs made from sea creatures
When diving or snorkeling never stand on the reef, kick up sand or hang on to coral heads which can take over 100 years to grow.
When you're at the beach, put rubbish in a bin or take it home. Why not get involved in looking after a local beach? If you're in the UK you can find out more at:
Don't flush cotton bud sticks, sanitary waste or toxic products down the toilet - they will end up in the ocean.
Avoid over-packaged goods and reuse your plastic bags to help reduce the amount of plastic that finds its way into the oceans.

For more details on these and other ways to help conserve the seas and their wildlife, please visit this page.

The ocean for Sunday Scribblings.

You can read more of my recent posts about oceans here, here and here.


  1. First, simple poetry with a lot behind the words. Great way to get a point across to people.

    I already do most of the suggestions you listed, although one requires no effort, I am a vegetarian.

    I know some days it seems like it is a losing battle, but I have noticed how much many people have changed over the years.

  2. Thank you for the insights on how to treat the sea a little better.
    I've been checking out the "We Are What We Do" campaign. Even though I don't live in the UK, I feel I can still use the site as source of information and a reminder. I like their belief that small changes times lots of people equals big changes.

  3. Marcia - thanks, I think people are changing for the better, there's still a log way to go, but yes there is hope!

    Kikare - thanks, I had hoped that poeple outside the UK would find the links useful too. Glad you did!

  4. Anonymous2:59 pm

    I love this post!
    Yay for you and bringing attention to the abuse the ocean suffers!
    If everyone did just one little bit (their part), it would be a different planet.

  5. Anonymous3:22 pm

    I really love this, I checked out the links and they are great.. I have family living in England and I know they are involved in these campaigns as well...

    by the way, thanks for stopping by my blog and glad you like my eco tips as well.

  6. Anonymous4:35 pm

    poignant poems and a thought-provoking take on the prompt. thanks for the important reminder that the ocean (and its inhabitants) can only continue to be beautiful if we choose to keep it that way.

  7. The ocean is so important to our well-being and when she is sick, so are we. Thank you for the lovely haikus and all the great tips, esp. the sustainable seafood link...

  8. Bohemian Mum - thanks, I agree.

    Jennifer - glad you can use the links!

    Unfolding Rose, Regina - thanks

    Jennifer - its Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Yes I think awareness is increasing.

  9. I agree that the poem is very powerful. And what simple, yet useful, ways we can all help.

  10. Anonymous1:10 am

    Thank you for your poem and for bringing attention to this very important issue. Each day we all need to realize that we do make a difference.

  11. It really bothers me that businesses kill live sea animals for souvenirs and decorations.
    Yesterday I saw these beautiful cowries for sale in Pottery Barn. Can they be cultivated?
    Dried starfish really bug me too.
    On the positive side the same store had nice looking imitation urchin shells, starfish, and shells made from plaster in a mold.
    Keep on keeping us honest. The haiku were painful but good.

  12. Thanks for that great reminder. We can all do our part to preserve our beautiful oceans for future generations.

  13. I praise you for this post Juliet. I go to the Oregon Coast frequently and I am saddened to think that the magnificent oceans are threatened. As go the oceans, so goes humanity -- we'd better wake up!

  14. Anonymous3:09 am

    This is a sad comment on how we're polluting our oceans. You blend environment and poetry beautifully.

  15. Anonymous3:28 am

    Whenever I see your name on the Scribblings list the green jumps out at me and says GO.

    And I always wonder why we've gone to the moon and haven't even fully explored the ocean. It is precious!

  16. Beautiful haiku. And thank you for the important reminders. I, too, am deeply saddened by what we humans are doing to the planet, seas, air, animals, and other humans. I like your website.

  17. Anonymous3:02 pm

    Everything you mention is so important....

  18. A great reminder of how easily we could lose what so many of us take for granted.

    Thank you!

  19. I had left a comment earlier but it seems blogger ate it up!!

    Timely remainder..crafty.

  20. Love the haikus, and as others have said, very effective. Brava :)ewbbrce

  21. Juliet,
    You are so right on with your observations and comments. I hope we can slow down the willful destruction of our planet. The job of keeping it in the forefront of peoples minds falls to the few, such as you.

  22. I am a diver, so what you say about the sea touches a soft spot.
    Love the haikus - they are very poignant.

    Thanks for visiting.

  23. I liked these, especially the first

  24. absolutely! thanks for the nudge and the poem. . .

  25. Well done! I loved the very important message here and the links.

  26. Truth well spoken. I've been heartened a bit lately by our city beginning to consider either banning or taxing the use of the ubiquitous plastic shopping bags. Can't wait to see them to away. The only beauty I've seen come of them is the scene in American Beauty with the video of the wind making one dance. Good post, piercing poetry.

  27. Anonymous3:56 pm

    Thank you for this useful and inspiring post. We must take care of our oceans!!! I feel humans are so directly tied to them, yet the rush of industrial society often makes us too distracted, and thus, we forget it.

    Thank you also for the work that you do. :)

  28. lots of comments! I think we all need to be more cognizant of our planet....i love your intro...the poems are stark and thought provoking.

    take care........

  29. Anonymous8:05 pm

    Thank you for reminding us how even as powerful as the ocean may be, we humans have an impact on it - for good or bad. I hope we get better at taking care of it, rather than taking it for granted.


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