
Thursday 26 October 2006

Right in Front of You

After early morning rain,
the sun came out again
warm on the face, this late October day.

From the office, I can see
sunlight play on the white football stadium
making it strangely beautiful.

Upstairs, someone else's boss is on the phone
Moaning about how horrid the day has been
'Raining cats and dogs and dark as winter'

I am my own boss, free to hear the robin sing
or watch the geese fly far overhead
against the bright blue sky.


  1. The first two poems I've read have been office poems - strange, I don't feel any inspiration from the office but being your own boss must help. I do like the geese flying overhead at the end

  2. This poem smells like the final throes of autumn. I can almost imagine myself in your seat with a coffee.

  3. HI there - thanks for your comments! I noticed that too about the office based poems, Catherine and I didn't expect to write about the office, the poem just happened! I have to admit - I made the geese up!

    Hi Crunchy Weta and welcome to Crafty Green Poet!

  4. Anonymous1:27 pm

    I like to see you there actually "making the geese up" in the moment!

  5. Although most people don't realize is, the office is a place of sanctuary. I really enjoyed your poem; hope to read more soon!

  6. Thanks RenKat!

    Hi and welcome, Gratification through Sadness. The office may be a sanctary for some people but for others (eg those who are being bullied by their boss or ostracised by their colleagues) it certainly isn't.

  7. I was about to ask for your email to send you a Permalink template, but find it worked for you this week. Well done! I like the final stanza here particularly - what being your own boss allows. Wonderful.

  8. I love you don't have a boss plus you see beauty where others see gloom. Lovely!

  9. I really like the interjection about someone else's boss upstairs - it really serves to emphasize how good you've got it and makes the beauty that you're seeing stand out even more. I wish I had a window in my office!

  10. Anonymous12:39 am

    I really like the contrast of thought, yours of warmth on the face after the rain versus the other moaning about how horrid the day is..isn't it always the way how some will always see the silver lining and others will always see the gloom and doom...I much prefer the silver lining..thanks really enjoyed it..m

  11. Isn't it great being your own boss? I hope to be able to hold onto that for as long as possible. It's worth it whenever there's a rainbow or sunset or break in the clouds, that I can just step out and enjoy.

  12. Hi there all, it certainly is nice to be my own boss (well I have a boss, but he's in the south of England and I'm in Edinburgh so I am my own boss really!).

    Welcoem to Crafty Green Poet, Greenish Lady and thanks for thinking of my link problem!

  13. Lovely poem, and I appreciate the poet's ability to be "the boss" of her actions and feelings. I say "yes" to focusing on the beauty in life and our surroundings :)

    Well done!

  14. A very nice, refreshing poem.

    I wish I were my own boss.

  15. I love the simplicity of this poem. And the imagery of the football stadium with the sun shining on it. Thanks.

  16. I like the part about the light making the stadium beautiful. The light in October has a quality all its own.

  17. "Someone else's boss"--yes, there it is...what we all dream of: taking charge of our own time...

  18. Hi there and welcome to CVrafty Green POet, Nathalie and Michelle Fry - yes there is something about the October light that can make the plainest building beautiful.

    Welcome also Left handed Trees and another person who appreciates the thought of being ones own boss!


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