
Monday 30 October 2006

Haiku - the unseen

One Deep Breath this week asks us to write haiku on 'the unseen'. Rather than taking any supernatural approach to this theme, Crafty Green Poet features haiku on invisible aspects of the natural environment:
a mix of gases
invisible but vital -
our atmosphere

darkness –
the scent of honeysuckle
fills the garden.

For a different interpretation of the theme, see my Alter Ego blog.


  1. Wonderful reminders
    the remembered scent of honeysuckle fills my mind :)

  2. This is a hard one to say and yet you have done 2 of them perfectly. :)

  3. Ah, the scent of honeysuckle! Lots of that - and jasmine - in Sevilla. Lovely haiku!

  4. "scent of honeysuckle" lovely haiku... kudos

  5. Thanks for the comments folks - honeysucklie is so very evocative , isn't it? And Roswila, welcome to Crafty green POet - thanks for visiting!

  6. Anonymous7:27 pm

    I love the second one -it transmits the loveliness of summer nights perfectly!

  7. Anonymous10:31 pm

    nice poems! a reminder that not all memories are visual

  8. I didn't think of scents - perfect for the topic - rosemary is one of my favourites in summer

  9. Atmosphere ~ a great topic for something unseen, yet vital to us all!

    Nicely done :)

  10. I love the honeysuckle one too. Beautiful!

  11. both paragraphs are great...
    though everybody can perceive differently atmosphere and darkness, ur description seem like extraordinarily precise and "right", even if there's not right and wrong perceptions in such subjective matters and meanings
    ps i liked ur poem in the previous post also
    thanx for ur kind wish in one of my posts

  12. Ah! scents! I knew I was missing something. Great verses here.

  13. honeysuckle, irresistible! I find haiku not so easy to write, but you clearly mastered it..keep it up ;)

  14. I liked the first one on an intellectual level, but I really felt the second. One of my favourite fragrances.


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