
Friday 8 September 2006


They bob in the water
bask on rocks
elegant despite their blubber.

I look closer
see the misfit of their eyes
the someone living inside
not quite at home in ocean
the soul of the girl -
mythical selkie.

Given the choice
I too would hide
in a secret skin
escape to the freedom of sea
the forgetfulness of waves.


  1. I like the way you discribe the seals " elegant despite their blubber" and the last two lines "escape to the freedom of sea
    the forgetfulness of waves." are especialy wonderful

  2. Anonymous3:59 pm

    Beautiful pictures painted with words once again - this is just so evocative of the many places I have seen seals, but more than that it captures the impishness of the seals themselves...

  3. Glad you like it - the impishness of seals, exaclt bondbloke!


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