
Monday 4 September 2006

Haiku - solitude

This week's prompt on One Deep Breath is Solitude. This is my environmental interpretation of the theme:

coloured leaves fall
across a cloudy sky –
one bird sings

I have a second haiku on this theme on my Alter Ego blog here.


  1. Your lovely haiku seems to me like a welcome to fall, with the bird singing in the last moments of summer. But that's just my interpretation - and haiku has so many layers of meanings and interpretations. Well done, you!

  2. so beautiful, I really love this

  3. Wonderful, wonderful. I love this.

  4. It would seem that I'm not the only one looking out the window at the onset of fall. Our Northeastern US fall is beginning very quickly--a rapid change from summer--and I think that it's got most people either grumpy or introspective. You poem is lovely and I'm not just saying that because it reminds me of mine.

  5. Lovely haiku reminding me of fall and soon my hummingbirds will be gone. Nice job!

  6. solitude and autumn are like hand in glove: it is a great time of year for reflection. 'one bird sings' is a wonderful line, it makes a good title for a larger piece of work, a book or painting. excellent haiku!

  7. Anonymous1:34 pm

    Lovely haiku, with just the right touch of melancholy that seems to go hand in hand with autumn.

  8. Anonymous6:24 pm

    I love the autumn (or 'fall'), so I love this. The last line is my favourite - I can hear that one bird singing now.

  9. beautifully stated

  10. Thanks everyone for your comments! The bird is the European robin, which has a wonderful wistful song in autumn.

  11. Such a lovely haiku. The third line leaves such anticipation... thanks for the beautiful words! :)

  12. Haiku don't usually move me, this one does, my favorite.


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