
Thursday 24 January 2008

My favourite book that no-one's ever heard of....

Booking Through Thursday this week asks us 'What’s your favorite book that nobody else has heard of? You know, not Little Women or Huckleberry Finn, not the latest best-seller . . . whether they’ve read them or not, everybody “knows” those books. I’m talking about the best book that, when you tell people that you love it, they go, “Huh? Never heard of it?”

Many of my favourite books could fall into that category, most recently probably The Museum of Unconditional Surrender by Dubravka Ugresic. But overall, I think I would have to say my favourite book that no-one has ever heard of is 'The Tuscan Master' by Peter Adamson (the founder of New Internationalist magazine). It's a wonderful novel about a painter who was once the most promising artist in Italy. However he has grown up into what he feels is an unproductive middle age, working as a tour guide and seeing himself as one of the great overlooked artists. The novel is full of ideas about art and creativity, recognising and nurturing your own talents, but at the same time is wonderfully plotted and full of characters that leap off the page. It is also incredibly moving without being sentimental and is not to be read in public if you are likely to cry whilst reading! Ultimately it is truly life affirming. Unfortunately I think this book is now out of print (why oh why???) but try your library - it really is a must read for anyone interested in Italy or art.


  1. Sounds good- will try it out

  2. I have never heard of the author's name, but the story premise sounds very interesting! It is a pity that the book is out-of-print though.

  3. I don't know this book, thanks for info on it :)

  4. I haven't heard of these books. 'The Tuscan Master' does sound interesting. I'll see if the library has a copy. Thanks.

  5. Just checked and it does. I'll have to reserve it as it's not in the branch I use.

  6. The Tuscan Master does sound good! I am adding it to my TBR list right now!

  7. Anonymous9:07 am

    It is so frustrating when you have a good book recommended and it's out of print. I'm off to bookmooch to see if I can find a copy.

  8. If we venture out of the 'what's popular' book list, there's a definite treasure trove of undiscovered authors out there. Thanks for sharing this one! :D

  9. Madelein, Marg, hope you find it and enjoy it!

    Melody - it is a shame, you're right!

    Julia - you're welcome!

    Booksplease - that's great that your library can order it!

    Table Talk, yes it is, sorry!

  10. Anonymous1:46 pm

    Juliet, if you mooched it to me, I will grab it!


  11. Anonymous1:48 pm

    The Tuscan Master does sound interesting - I shall check the library catalogue (though it's usually useless!)

  12. I hadn't heard of The Tuscan Master - I will definitely check it out!

  13. This book looks wonderful. I'm definitely going to look for it at the library. Thanks.

  14. Never heard of this one either, but it does sounds interesting.

  15. I'll check it out.. it would be a good companion to read around the same time I do the Italian mystery series someone else mentioned today.

  16. I'll definitely want to check out 'The Tuscan Master'. I haven't read 'The Museum of Unconditional Surrender', but I do like Ugresic.

  17. Hmmm ... unproductive middle age? I know al about that! I shall look for this book, thank you iy sounds a good read.

  18. Anonymous11:46 am

    The Tuscan Master definitely sounds like my kind of book. I have added it to my (ever increasing) list of wonderful discoveries made through this particular BTT question!

  19. Anonymous1:17 pm

    Well tell me if you manage to find Les Mauvaises Nouvelles. Otherwise maybe we can make a deal and I can send it to you;o)It's quite easy to find here

  20. Anonymous1:24 pm

    oh and i forgot if you can read french you can read my review of this book on my french blog, it will give you an overview :

  21. Oh, don't get me started on out-of-print books! In this age of POD, nothing should ever be out of print! I wrote up a whole pipe dream on how it could work and still deliver fair royalties for a BTT a few months back.

    Bummer that no one's listening!

  22. I haven't heard of either of those. But I love the New Internationalist.

  23. Sounds like an interesting book. Thanks for stopping by. Happy BTT.

  24. Hi Crafty! This books sounds like the very kind of reading I love -- thank you!

  25. The Peter Adamson book sounds incredibly good, CGP. And yes, why do wonderful books go out of print, hmm?

    Mine is The Chymical Wedding by Linsday Clarke.

  26. The Tuscan Master sounds very intriguing-I'm going to look for it!


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