
Thursday 24 January 2008

In the post today....

After a long and convoluted saga of chaos and confusion involving the Royal Mail, I finally received this stunning photo that i had won in a competition at The Green Fingered Photographer. So thanks Mark! Mark's photography is wonderful and he holds regular competitions to win prints of his work, so why not visit his blog?

And belated thanks to Melissa from Poet with a Day Job for her postcard of her poem Safeway. Last year Melissa was offering postcards of her poems to the first person to comment on the posts. I won this one and it arrived in the post last month.

In the post today i also received a copy of the latest issue of Wisteria, the journal for tanka and haiku which has one of my haiku in it!

...and one of my haiku is haiku of the day on Beer Haiku Daily - see it here.


  1. Anonymous3:31 pm

    Lots of stuff going on. :) Congrats on the haiku being published.

  2. Hi Crafty Green Poet,
    I am glad you received the picture at last, I hope you enjoy it and I will try and avoid posting anything around Christmas time.

    Cheers Mark

  3. Dear Crafty Green Poet, my poems have appeared in some of the magazines where I read yours appeared, in particular Orbis, the one I love most and the only one I have been regularly renewing my subscription for more than six years. Carole Baldock is such a character, such a great editorialist....
    And Poisonwood Bible and Fugitive Pieces are two of my favourite novels too.
    Great Greenness in your blog.
    Warnmly, Tommaso Gervasutti from Venice-Italy

  4. Anonymous9:16 pm

    Wow, that teasel is beautiful. Lucky you, and on the other stuff.

  5. Congratulations on winning Mark's photo! He is truly gifted! Congrats on having your words published! This must be a good year for you! :)NG

  6. sounds like you've been really busy. congratulations on your achievements :)

  7. The photo you won is very nice. Thanks for introducing two new blogs to me. Congrats also on the haiku being published.

  8. Anonymous12:40 pm

    Congratulations on your many wins!

  9. Congratulations on the publication, Juliet.

  10. Hi Crafty! I love your beer haiku! And congrats on being published and winning cool things -- how fun!

  11. Anonymous12:53 pm

    Congrads for publication of your poem! :D

    those postcards sound nice.


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