Sunday 9 October 2022

Easter Craiglockart Hill and Pond

 Yesterday's weather was fairly changeable, as it has been here for several days. We had a lovely walk round Easter Craiglockart Hill and Pond. The woodland on the hill is just starting to take on autumnal colours, though some parts still look very green.

But there are plenty of fungi around to remind us that it is in fact Autumn - I think the fungi below are Sulphur Tuft, but if you know different, please feel free to leave a comment!

After walking round the hill, we wandered down to Craiglockart Pond

Parts of the pond are edged with Bulrushes 

There are some lovely ornamental rowan trees in the nearby streets, this one was particularly pretty 

For Nature Notes.

1 comment:

eileeninmd said...

Pretty nature scenes, I like view of the pond, the mushrooms and the Autumn colors.

Take care, enjoy your day, have a great new week!