Saturday 22 January 2022


 Today, Crafty Green Boyfriend and I had a lovely walk at Musselburgh, along the Esk River and the Firth of Forth and onto the Lagoons. We saw lots of birds, including Canada geese 



a kestrel hovering as she hunted for prey (she later landed quite close to us where we could identify her as a female)

and lots of oystercatchers

It's always a lovely place to watch birds, and it's the first time we've been back there together since lockdown. Though I have walked there with a friend occasionally in the past couple of years. 

Thanks Crafty Green Boyfriend for all the bird photos above. 

For Nature Notes.


Wendy said...

I would love to hear what kind of camera crafty green boyfriend used for the bird photos. I need something better than my phone but easy to use.

Lowcarb team member said...

The bird photographs are lovely but so is your first photograph.
Love the way the light and shade works so well in this lovely scene.

All the best Jan

Crafty Green Poet said...

Hi Wendy, I'll try to remember to get the details of CGB's camera and share in a future post

Thanks Lowcarb

Caroline Gill said...

What a beautiful post and lovely photographs, CGP. We very much enjoyed our visits to the Musselburgh area and the harbour at Fisherrow. However, we haven't visited the lagoons ... one day perhaps. I know the area to the east (Longniddry, Gullane etc.) a bit better - and the local nature reserve at Aberlady Bay.

Rambling Woods said...

I would love to see a kestral in person...