Saturday 1 February 2020

Snowdrops in Cammo Country Park

We always vist Cammo Country Park at around this time of year to see the snowdrops in the walled garden and other areas of the park.

We were lucky with the weather today, although the clouds came over, there was only an occasional light drizzle though it's been raining solidly since we got home.

 This year snowdrops are dominating whole areas of the park and look wonderful

We also stopped by the feeding station for the birds and were delighted to see several minutes of constant flying in and eating by several species of birds (thanks to Crafty Green Boyfriend for these photos)

 blue tit
 great tit

There were also some interesting fungi, including this jelly ear fungus

and this little fungus in one of the fields near to the park

Walking through the fields near Cammo is increasingly a sad experience as many of them will be built on very soon.

We heard a skylark singing above this field, where the ground is already being prepared for the houses that will be built there. Of course people need places to live, but so do birds and skylarks are declining rapidly.


eileeninmd said...


The Snowdrops are so pretty. Love the cute bird and the fungus is neat. Enjoy your day, have a great new week!

Jenn Jilks said...

Lovely photos. The snowdrops are quite endearing.
I guess 'progress' is inevitable all around the world.

sage said...

Beautiful flowers... looks like an early spring?

Jamie Purves said...

Sad to see the old fields going. Maybe a City with more vision would have looked after them for people and wildlife alike! Good to see the snowdrops doing so well in the walled garden of Cammo.

Crafty Green Poet said...

Thanks Eileen!

Jenn, yes pgoress is inevitable, but it would be nice if it coud happen without destroying nature

Sage - snowdrops often start flowering very early in the year but this year they do seem to be particularly early (we've had a very mild winter)

Jamie - it's very sad indeed, there are so many birds in those fields! Yes the walled garden is particularly pretty with the snowdrops this year