Monday 4 March 2019

Birds and Blooms in the Dells

It's lovely weather today, though there is a chill in the air. I walked round the Dells along the Water of Leith, doing my weekly voluntary patrol of the riverside area. Picking litter and enjoying the wildlife.

These goosanders (the make with the green head and the females with the red heads) were resting in the middle of the river, I just wish my photo had turned out better

At least the goosanders posed for a photo! There were plenty of other birds around, all of which were camera shy. A beautiful mistle thrush was standing near the top of the tree, partially hidden behind twigs, calling harshly. I was hoping it would break into its beautiful song, but it just kept calling. I was particularly happy to see three siskins up in Colinton Churchyard - the first time I've seen these lovely little yellow finches along the Water Of Leith.

Another splash of yellow comes from the coltsfoot, which is just starting to come into bloom along the river


Lowcarb team member said...

The weather has been quite unseasonal, always best to make the most of good days when we can.
Good for you for litter picking, it's so annoying (and un-necessary) for people to just discard their litter.

All the best Jan

Jenn Jilks said...

I love spring! I wish it were a bit sooner here!!! cheers from across the pond!