Friday 8 March 2019

A Walk round Corstorphine HIll and a Missing Cat

I joined Crafty Green Boyfriend today lunchtime for a walk round Corstorphine HIll. It was dull and drizzly, very muddy underfoot and quite chilly. Perfect March weather for Scotland!

The jelly ear fungi were looking wonderful

and the wild garlic is looking very green as it starts to grow through last years dead leaves

At the bus stop we were sad to see this poster

It's always sad when a cat goes missing but this is particularly sad for us as we've met Pepper (and his sister Ivy). He's a beautiful, friendly and trusting cat, often to be found wandering round Corstorphine Hill. We think someone might have 'rescued' him thinking he's lost (as we almost did when we first met him!). If you've seen him please phone 07960900965. We hope he's found soon.

My blogpost for International Women's Day is on my Shapeshifting Green blog here.


Geraldine said...

I always feel bad when I see missing pet posters. Hopefully this kitty found it's way home.

Loving my feather earrings from your etsy shop. :-)

Lowcarb team member said...

I enjoyed your photographs … but so sad when a pet goes missing, hopefully it has been found now.

All the best Jan