Thursday 19 September 2013

'Brushes with' by Kristina Marie Darling

I was delighted to receive a review e-copy of Kristina Marie Darling's latest book Brushes with.

This is a story where the actual narrative of each section disappears after a page, leaving the reader to fill in the spaces between the footnotes at the bottom of the page. This leads to an ethereal sense of a story that, like t he meaning of life itself, can never be grasped in its entirety (though the environmentalist in me couldn't help being concerned about all the wasted paper there must be in a hard copy of this book).

The story centres on a broken relationship and the constellations of the night sky. The couple are lead by the constellations and see connections between the stars and the elements of their own lives.

'After the divorce, after your mistress, after the stars were eclipsed by the bright lights of the city.'

Brushes with by Kristina Marie Darling published by BlaxeVOX 

As ever, red text contains hyperlinks that take you to other webpages where you can find out more. 

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