Wednesday 12 December 2012


Low sun shivers the frozen pond
Patterns in the icy puddles like the contour lines in a map of a lost world
Brambles crisp with frost

meanwhile I have another haiku on Daily Haiku - you can read it here


Caroline Gill said...

Beautiful imagery ... it seems we are sharing this cold snap!

Bill said...

Good work, here and at Daily Haiku

Optimistic Existentialist said...

This puts me in the holiday spirit :)

Tommaso Gervasutti said...

Rattling Rain...Your haikus remind me of my first encounter with them:
Basho "The Narrow Road To The Deep North".

Titus said...

Lovely, and good golly, isn't it?

Ms Sparrow said...

You captured the essence of a frosty morning brilliantly!

RG said...

We haven't seen the sun for several days. Not cold, just thick clouds.

Carrie Van Horn said...

I can feel it in your words....beautiful capturing of the winter season. :-)

Cuby said...

Love it creates pictures in my mind.