Wednesday 8 June 2011


Like many nature lovers in the UK, at this time of the year we are avidly following Springwatch on the TV. It's a great programme, it's accessible for anyone who's just starting to get interested in nature but it's got enough interesting facts in there to keep more serious naturalists happy too. There's also lots of live webcams following different species of birds on their nests (this year the species include grasshopper warbler, oystercatcher and pied flycatcher) with insights into their personal lives, which often rival soap operas for drama and intrigue. It's essential viewing really.

However there is a distinct lack of rabbits on Springwatch. Apart from a brief moment in yesterday's segment of the show from Skomer Island in Wales, where the bunnies were shown next to the puffins (who nest in old bunny burrows), rabbits are usually only seen when they feature as food for some predator.

Well, Charlotte at Cottontails Baby, with the help of her adorable rabbit Humphrey, has put together these wonderful spoof videos to offer an alternative Springwatch with more bunnies. We're promised more too, which I'm really looking forward to!

As ever, text in red contains hyperlinks which take you to other webpages where you can find out more.


Ann (bunnygirl) said...

It's still Spring where you are? You lucky thing!

Regarding puffins, when my husband and I used to vacation in Maine, I always wanted to go see them, but somehow the puffin tours never seemed to work with our schedule. I love them, though. They're almost as adorable as bunnies, which is probably why they try to appropriate their burrows.

none said...

That sounds like a fun TV show!
Bunnies are such adorable animals... Glad they will show more of them.

The Weaver of Grass said...

I think this year;s Springwatch is the best ever Juliet - we are absolutely loving every minute of it.

RG said...

I liked the alternative SpringWatch - with bunnies!

Anonymous said...

Too funny :)

Lisa Alto said...

Maybe we should petition the Springwatch team for more bunnies?

Caroline Gill said...

Such a fun idea. I hope it features on the programmes next week ...

Charlotte said...

Thanks so much for mentioning me! I am desperately trying to get my serious work out of the way today so I can make the next episode!

Like you I got rather excited when the rabbits were mentioned on Skomer last night - although how could they not really, it's kind of famous for them isn't it. But felt it was a bit of a brief mention really.

Then as ever we have Mr Packham going on about somebody enjoying a 'rabbit supper'. I love Chris to bits, and the show as a whole, and totally get that rabbits are prey and it's nature and so on... but c'mon guys, they are fascinating in their own right too!

I have just started re-reading The Private Life of the Rabbit by Lockley - some harsh 'realities' in their too, but fascinating...


Wild_Bill said...

Sounds like a really good TV program. We need more intelligent program on television. The potential has been severely wasted.


Carver said...

Spring watch sounds like a great idea. What a fun idea to have the spoof with the bunnies.