Saturday 5 March 2011

Influential Environmental Blogs

Wikio put together a list of the Top UK Environment blogs every month. The rankings are put together by Wikio a news and blogs search engine that also put together Top Blog rankings for various categories including environment, politics etc. I wasn't aware of this listing until Wikio emailed me about it and I was delighted to find myself listed! You can find the list here. Thanks to everyone who links to this blog and helped me gain this listing!


Titus said...

Hey, congratulations!

d. moll, said...

Fantastic, what a lovely recognition. What do the different colored arrows mean on the listing?

Crafty Green Poet said...

Thanks Titus and Diana!

The arrows pointing upwards mean moving up the list since last month, the downwards arrows mean moving down since last month and the flat arrow means in the same place.

Carole said...


Interesting how so many in the top 10 are Scottish. Does that reflect the more interlinked nature of the environment/sustainability movement north of the border, do you think? Or are there just not many decent English or Welsh based environmental blogs?

Crafty Green Poet said...

Carole - that's a very interesting question and I don't know the answer!