Sunday, 24 January 2010

From Earring to necklace

I promised last week that I would post a photo of the necklace I recently made. Well here it is! The pendant is a broken earring, to which I've attached a small silver hoop from a broken bracelet. I may eventually hang the pendant from a silver chain, but i quite like it like this.


GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Very pretty ~ love the color and shape. Perfect re-purposing! It is also a delight to visit and see pics of your part of the world :)

The Weaver of Grass said...

I think it is lovely just as it is and it fits in so well with your life style of recycling Juliet - very fetching.

Captain Shagrat said...

I agree it looks more Gothic with the black lace. Iv'e got a similar singular earing only smaller, hope I haven't binned it. Great recycling Crafty

Ann (bunnygirl) said...

What a great way to re-use an old earring!

steven said...

i love the shape and especially the shade of blue!!

Bill said...

Pat agrees with me that it's beautiful.

Anonymous said...

I think you made a winner here.

Carin said...

Good idea, it is a lovely necklace!

Eryl said...

I love it on the black lace. Oddly enough I was going through all my old junky earrings yesterday thinking I wish I had the skill to do something with them. Perhaps I should take a class.

maryt/theteach said...

Beautiful, poet! Recycled jewelry is so nice! :)

Melanie Gray Augustin said...

It makes a great pendant and a fab idea of reusing a broken piece of jewellery!

Patti said...

This is a clever re-use of an earrring! It's pretty too. ;-)

Anonymous said...

This is a really nice necklace.


MyMaracas said...

Pretty! I think I like it better as a necklace.

Serline said...

What a fantastic idea! Thanks for stopping by my place.

SzélsőFa said...

wow, this is artistic. you set a good example on how to recycle broken accessories :)

catvibe said...

I also like to do this with single earrings. Why let them go to waste, such pretty things. Nice job on this, very pretty.

Golden West said...

Excellent reuse! It hangs beautifully.

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

It's truly lovely Juliet. A true representation of you. Love that.

jennifer black said...

How lovely!

My daughter did a similar thing--I had given her earrings she loved, and, when she lost one, she made it into a pendant.

You smart girls!

Cathy said...

That is so pretty Juliet. You have been very clever to recycle it. Gorgeous colour too.