
Friday 3 May 2024

International Dawn Chorus Day

The first Sunday of May is International Dawn Chorus Day a celebration of nature's greatest symphony. All over the world, people rise early to enjoy listening to birdsong. You don't need to visit a nature reserve, you can just open your window and listen. Of course, you'll hear more if you live in a rural area, near woodland or ecologically managed farmland. However, even in urban areas you may hear a fair number of different species of birds singing first thing in the morning. 

Here in the centre of Edinburgh, Blackbirds sing from morning to night (it's lovely to wander through town in the evening and listen to the Blackbirds' beautiful song pouring off all the rooftops). We also have a variety of other songbirds including Chaffinches, Dunnocks, Blue Tits, Starlings, Woodpigeons and Collared Doves, all of whom will join in the dawn chorus at some point. 

You can find out more about International Dawn Chorus Day and how to take part here, on the Wildlife Trust's website.

1 comment:

  1. How delightful. Being an early riser the dawn chorus is a significant part of my bike journey to work and it's a measure of the coming spring when I start to hear the birds waking up.


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