
Sunday 5 May 2024

Bluebells at Dalkeith Country Park

 Every year, one of the seasonal trips we like to make is to see the bluebells in Dalkeith Country Park. (Another is to see the cherry blossoms in the Japanese Garden at Lauriston Castle, as we did last weekend).  

So yesterday we took the bus to Dalkeith, just outside of Edinburgh. We walked through the Country Park, starting with this lovely path, which is lined with Ramsons in full bloom

Bluebells are in full bloom in amongst the Ramsons

Further into the Country Park, the path follows the river, the hillside beautifully covered with Ramsons

It was lovely to see several other wildflower species too, including Greater Stitchwort

Dalkeith Country Park is famous for its ancient oak trees

We found this impressive oak apple gall on one of the oak trees

These galls are caused by wasps, which lay eggs inside the gall. Once they hatch, the larvae of the wasp feed on the host tissues, but cause little damage. You can find out more about the oak gall wasp on the Woodland Trust website here

We didn't see many insects, apart from this scorpion fly

 It was lovely to see this wee snail

Lots of birds were singing, including Willow Warblers, Chiffchaffs, Blackcaps and a Green Woodpecker

The retail area in the park was refurbished a few years ago and has lots of rabbit themed signage, like the sign below:


  1. Love the bluebells!
    Have a wonderful week!

  2. What a lovely adventure!

  3. Such a lovely place to visit.

    All the best Jan


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