
Sunday 28 January 2024

In the Grounds of Lauriston Castle

 Yesterday we visited Lauriston Castle to walk round the grounds. This is probably the best place in Edinburgh to see Cherry trees in bloom later in the year (see these photos from last year's cherry trees). At this time of the year, however, most of the trees are bare except for the evergreen species and this lovely Witch Hazel: 

As the Big Garden Birdwatch is happening this weekend (you can do the birdwatch in any green space, not just in a private garden) we took note of all the birds we saw: 

Jackdaws, including this one that was hanging around the outside café area

Blackbirds, Robins, Blue Tits, Great Tits, lots of Long Tailed Tits, Chaffinches, Goldfinches, 3 Bullfinches, including this handsome male 

1 Dunnock, 1 (or possibly 2) Nuthatches, 2 Magpies and this Pied Wagtail, which was running around the outside café area

The grounds of Lauriston Castle overlook the Lauriston Agroecology Project (where I carried out butterfly surveys last year) and across to Cramond Island in the Firth of Forth 

The castle grounds are free to visit. Lauriston Castle itself is only open by appointment, you can book a guided tour and there is a programme of events for all the family.


I'm delighted to have a bird themed tanka in the inaugural issue of Password journal of very short poetry. You can read the whole issue here.


  1. What a beautiful place to do your Birdwatch, CGP. And WHAT a lot of species! Many congratulations on the beautiful Tanka; I love a Mallard!

  2. beautiful flowers and lovely birds...
    wish to visit Edinburg one day..


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