
Saturday 17 December 2022

More Fieldfares

 I blogged on Thursday about our local flock of Fieldfares. Today, Crafty Green Boyfriend and I went for a walk around town to see how many Fieldfares we could see and to try to get some photos of these beautiful winter thrushes. 

We found a flock just near where we live, in some trees behind the buildings on a tiny side street.

In the same street we saw a Grey Wagtail! Pied Wagtails are common to see around built up areas, but the more colourful Grey Wagtail tends to stay by water, particularly rivers, so we were pleasantly surprised to see this

Near our flat, in the opposite direction, I'd seen a large flock of Fieldfares on some rowan trees yesterday but hadn't caught them on camera. Today, we were disappointed to see that all the berries had disappeared from the rowans and only one Fieldfare was left! But Crafty Green Boyfriend did manage to get this photo

Fieldfares are very beautiful birds and it's amazing (and unusual in Edinburgh) to see so many of them!


  1. Great sightings of the Fieldfares and the pretty Wagtail.
    The first shot is great a tree full of Fieldfares.
    Have a great weekend!

  2. You have such interesting birds!


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