
Thursday 15 December 2022


Fieldfares are one of the winter thrushes that visit the UK every year. Although I see one or two most years, they're rarely as easy to find as their smaller cousins the Redwings

A few years ago, a flock of about 50 Fieldfares appeared in our street on Boxing Day and spent the day flying around between the trees in the back-green areas. Then they disappeared! 

Until now! For a couple of days, a flock of Fieldfares is spending a lot of time roosting in exactly the same tree as they roosted in all those years ago. 

The tree in question is in the back-green across the road, so we can't go and get a closer look. Crafty Green Boyfriend took some photos yesterday to give an impression.

They're still here this morning. They're lovely birds to watch as they occasionally all take off and fly around then settle back down. I'm guessing that the tree they're roosting in gives them a reasonable view over the neighbourhood. They'll be feeding on the rowan trees that are nearby.


  1. Great sighting of the Fieldfares! I am glad they are back!
    Take care, enjoy your day!

  2. That's a nice size flock to see.

    All the best Jan

  3. I don't know this bird. It is nice to be able to tell the seasons by which birds are around.


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