
Tuesday 6 September 2022

Craigmillar Castle Park

 I had a walking meeting today with a colleague to scope out a route for a walk we'll be leading next month. We met at Craigmillar Castle Cemetery, though we did in the end decide that wouldn't be part of the walk. It was nice to walk round the cemetery though, to admire the views across to the Pentlands 

and to Arthur's Seat 

As you might guess from the photos above, it did rain for part of our walk, which is probably why Craig, the Cemetery Cat wasn't able to give us a guided tour (see previous posts about the cemetery here, here and here).

We then moved on to Craigmillar Castle Park

and then on to Little France Park, where for some reason I didn't take any photos. It's a nice walk that links up with convenient buses at both the beginning and the end. There is also plenty of nature to see along the way, hopefully the Autumn colours will be showing nicely when we do this walk again with a group in October. The pretty Grimmia pulvinata moss should also still be looking lovely 



  1. Hello,
    The Cemetery Cat must not like rain. The Castle Park looks pretty, nice views.
    Have a great day!

  2. Very evocative photos....Michelle


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