
Sunday 4 September 2022

Around Arthur's Seat

 Yesterday we had a lovely walk round one of our favourite places, Edinburgh's Arthur's Seat. 

with views over Duddingston Loch, which is where most of Edinburgh's Grey Herons nest, though they have left their nests by now. 


Yarrow is still in bloom, in both the usual white 

and a very pretty pink variety 

Also in bloom were Vipers Bugloss 

and Bird's Foot Trefoil 

It's lovely to see so many flowers in bloom at the end of summer. 

Yesterday's weather was dull and windy, but mostly dry. The rain has moved in today! I hope it lasts for a while, as we've had a very dry summer and really need the rain.

Our summer of drought is a sign of climate change, though a relatively benign one compared to the boiling temperatures and forest fires in many parts of the world and the devastating floods in Pakistan, where 33 million people have lost their homes.


  1. A nice hike. Yarrow is very similar to our Queen Anne's lace (even though we have Yarrow, too)

  2. Thanks Jeff, I think your Queen Anne's Lace is related to our Cow Parsley, Wild Carrot etc.


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