
Sunday 25 September 2022

Autumn Sunshine on Arthur's Seat

Yesterday was a beautiful sunny day (we still need more rain, but it is nice to enjoy the sunshine!). Crafty Green Boyfriend and I went for a walk round Arthur's Seat, one of our favourite places to walk. But first we popped into East Preston Street Cemetery, which has great views of Arthur's Seat

a view of Arthur's Sear from East Preston Street Cemetery

I noticed several spiders' webs glittering in the sunshine in the shrubbery and some of the photos even came out nicely (spiders' webs are something I find particularly difficult to capture on film)

Spiders' webs in a green leaved shrub

a different view of spiders' webs in the same green leafed shrub
We then continued to walk towards Arthur's Seat itself, passing by Salisbury Crags.

a view of Salisbury Crags and the Edinburgh skyline

The route continues with lovely views over Duddingston Loch.

a view of Duddingston Loch from the road round Arthur's Seat

 The bramble bushes are taking on their wonderful autumnal colours

red and ochre coloured leaves on a bramble bush

We stopped at Dunsapie Loch, where I was impressed by the reflections of the clouds in the water.

clouds reflected in water

Rather than turning back at that point, we then continued on the circular path around Arthur's Seat, this is the view looking back to Dunsapie Loch.

a view of Arthur's Seat with a road in the foreground

There are lots of trees along this part of the route, and Speckled Wood Butterflies are often found here, yesterday was no exception, thanks to Crafty Green Boyfriend for this photo

a Speckled Wood Butterfly on a leaf

We ended our walk at St Margaret's Loch

St Margaret's Loch

where there were a number of young Herring Gulls, including this one 

a young Herring Gull on water


I'm delighted to have an Autumnal haiku included in Haiku Seed's Blossoms here.


  1. That is a cool spot!

  2. Lovely photos, CGP. Well done for seeing the Speckled Wood. We are hardly seeing any butterflies at present and yet it still feels too early for last sightings. Your beautiful reflection image reminds me of the front cover of your 'Unthinkable Skies', which I have always been drawn to.

  3. Thanks Jenn!

    Thanks Caroline, I'm very pleased with how many Speckled Woods we're seeing at the moment.


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