
Tuesday 27 September 2022

Autumn Sunlight Through Trees and a Couple of Fungi

 There's a chill in the air, but the sunlight is beautiful. The trees look wonderful just as they're starting to look autumnal.


 As well as doing my weekly river patrol, I'm currently also leading guided nature walks around Craiglockart Dell along the Water of Leith, Autumn is a perfect time to share this lovely place with interested people. We're looking at all aspects of nature, including fungi, such as this Common Puffball 

I also popped into North Merchiston Cemetery at lunchtime and noticed these Common Inkcaps growing in the grass


  1. It's the season for fungi!
    I had a puffball the size of a basketball one year, but not since!

  2. Hi Jenn, it is the season indeed! One year i saw particularly large puffballs too, but they are quite a rarity.


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