
Wednesday 10 August 2022

Tree Following August Update.

For Tree Following this year, I've chosen a magnificent old cherry tree in North Merchiston Cemetery in Edinburgh. Crafty Green Boyfriend and I started walking round this cemetery every day for our #DailyExercise during the first UK lockdown last year. And we're still doing the same walk regularly, though not quite as often. 

There hasn't been much rain recently here in Edinburgh, but my cherry tree still seems to be thriving

I couldn't see any cherries on it though! It's slightly late in the season though and maybe they've all been eaten. Though I didn't see any cherries or stones round about either. Maybe it isn't a fruiting cherry... 

Although a lot of the vegetation in the cemetery looks very dry at the moment, trees like this cherry provide shade and help keep the soil slightly moister for plants like this Rosebay Willowherb

The cemetery is full of beautiful trees, some of which I have already 'followed'. The sycamore in the photo below is looking particularly resplendent at the moment and may well become my tree for next year!


  1. Lovely to see the trees.
    With all the very dry weather we have had some of our trees have already started shedding leaves ...

    All the best Jan

  2. Hello CGP,
    Looking at your cherry tree, one wouldn't know a drought was underway. Nice to see.

  3. Good to see that your tree hasn't suffered from a lack of water as so many have.
    It's a shame that it appears to be a non-fruiting variety. xx

  4. Churchyards always do seem shady and green to me - the cherry is looking good, but it is a pity if it doesn't fruit...
    Thanks for following.
    Best wishes :)


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