
Tuesday 9 August 2022

In a Suburban Garden

We visited Crafty Green Boyfriend's Mum's garden at the weekend. The nasturtiums are in full bloom and the bees are loving them, including this Common Carder Bumblebee 

Meanwhile, the Common Frogs were enjoying the pond. Just minutes before I took these photos, a Common Wasp had buzzed this frog's head then suddenly snap! No more wasp and a well-fed frog!  

There were also a few very small froglets running around, but they were impossible to catch on camera!


  1. What a wonderful combination, CGP: Common Frogs and bright orange Nasturtiums. Our Nasturtiums are just about over, well, demolished and devoured by LW caterpillars. I counted over 26 yesterday!

  2. Hi Caroline, yes the garden is wonderful at the moment, actually it's always wonderful. The nasturtiums seem to have escaped being nibbled by caterpillars, so far at least!

  3. Lovely things in the garden :)

    All the best Jan


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