
Sunday 10 July 2022

Summer in Figgate Park

For a couple of days the weather has been glorious, beautiful sunshine and not too hot. Perfect summer weather (we've not had much perfect summer weather this year so far). Yesterday we caught a bus along to Figgate Park for a walk. 

For the first time this year we were able to enjoy a full range of insects! Insects are in decline across the UK (across the world in fact) and so far this Spring and Summer, it has been mostly cloudy while I've been out, which the insects don't like. 

But yesterday, we saw butterflies, hoverflies, bees and bugs. But it wasn't just the weather that brought them out, but the wonderful arrays of flowers that have been planted or allowed to bloom wild in parts of Figgate Park. Here are a few photos of the planted wildflower beds (these have been planted with native and non-native flowers that are good for pollinators)

The insects we saw included a Batman Hoverfly (Myathropa florea)

one of these little back hoverflies, which neither of us have had a good look at before (Pipiza noctiluca)

and a closer look

We were also delighted to see a couple of butterflies, including this Comma

and this Green Veined White 

We found this very impressive Zebra Jumping Spider 

and this lovely Stock Dove 

As you can see from the photo above, Figgate Pond is currently full of pond weed. This family of Mallards seemed to be enjoying eating it 

When we walked round to the other side of the pond, we realised there were actually 6 ducklings!


  1. I'm very late in catching up with everyone after our days in Norfolk and Cambs., but I'm so sorry, CGP, to hear that you have had Covid. I hope you are feeling much better now, though I know it can take a very variable time. I love the batman Hoverfly! The Zebra Spiders are great: they seem to like the bricks on our house wall (which have also been frequented at least twice by false Widows ... not keen on having them SO 'close to home', as it were!). Thank you for your kind Swallowtail comment ...

  2. Looks like a nice day. Thankfully, the farmer who cuts my hayfield hasn't been able to cut it yet and the field is full of insects, yellow finches, and bluebirds. We've rotated in an out of rainy seasons this summer--which has kept him from cutting it and he's about 3 weeks late, so his second cutting will be meager

  3. Hi Caroline, hope you had a nice trip! I'm feeling a lot better now, thanks, I'm even almost back at normal energy levels!

    Thanks Jeff, your hayfield sounds lovely!


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