
Monday 11 July 2022

Revisiting Grange Cemetery

 I'm continuing my work of surveying the wildlife in the 43 cemeteries owned and managed by the City of Edinburgh Council. I'm currently making further surveys of some of the cemeteries that are the most interesting for wildlife. Today I revisited Grange Cemetery, which in wildlife terms is most notable for having a Tree trail, outlining the most interesting trees on the site. You can find out more about the trees on the Grange Association website

There is a lovely wildflower bed at the main entrance to the cemetery 

which is made up of cornflowers, marigolds, poppies, Ox Eye Daisies and just a few Corncockles

Several bumble bees and solitary bees were enjoying the flowers, I caught this Red Tailed Bumblebee on some nearby thistles

and in the same patch of thistles I saw this pretty Trembling Wing Fly, so called because it's wings really do tremble all the time

Recently, Twitter seems to have been full of photos of Humming Bird Hawk Moths on Red Valerian, and there's a lot of Red Valerian in Grange Cemetery but no Humming Bird Hawk Moths! 

It was incredibly hot this morning and the sun was shining relentlessly, so I was glad of the occasional breeze and the shade of all those wonderful trees

Especially the Limes (Lindens), which are still in flower and smell wonderful at the moment 

There are some very pretty roses in the cemetery and I couldn't resist taking some photos of them as well

1 comment:

  1. Such a beautiful and peaceful place. Your photos are just lovely!



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