
Monday 2 May 2022

Revisiting Warriston Cemetery

 I'm now carrying out second surveys of the wildlife in selected cemeteries around Edinburgh. Today I visited Warriston cemetery, a large and mostly wooded cemetery near Edinburgh's Botanic Gardens. The bluebells and other woodland flowers are in colourful bloom just now.


Look more closely and you might see interesting mosses, such as this Juniper Haircap 

or snails hiding away

This carrion crow seems to guard a particular area of the cemetery 

The weather was cool and dull all day, which was a shame as it meant very few insects showed themselves. I saw only a handful of bees and no butterflies at all.


  1. Lovely photographs.
    The bluebells are blooming well.

    All the best Jan

  2. I like to visit old cemeteries!


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