
Wednesday 4 May 2022

Revisiting Rosebank Cemetery

Continuing my wildlife surveys of the cemeteries managed by Edinburgh Council, today I revisited Rosebank Cemetery, in the Pilrig area of Edinburgh. 


The weather was very mixed, from bright sunshine to heavy rain, which meant that the pollinating insects were a little shy. Though this small tortoiseshell was happy to pose for the camera

The cemetery is very much in bloom at the moment, with chickweed everywhere 

common daisies

and dandelions (but I can't help thinking, that even in the mixed weather, there should have been more insects on the dandelions, the one below is typical in having not a single insect in sight) 

At least three species of speedwells are in bloom at the moment, including this Germander speedwell 

and hiding away in amongst all the flowers are plenty of grasses like this sweet vernal grass 


mosses like this bonfire moss 

and liverworts like this Crescent Cup Liverwort 

There are still a good number of ladybirds on the gravestones under the trees (which is where they hibernate). As I noticed last time I surveyed this cemetery, most of the ladybirds here are Harlequins, which come in various patterns, but which are generally larger than most other species

For Nature Notes


  1. You found a lot! And I'm always impressed by all you do and find while carrying out this project. and it really makes me want to visit Cemeteries to look for birds and insects.

  2. I didn't know that about lady bugs..I am going to look them up....


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