
Monday 4 April 2022

Comely Bank Cemetery

 I'm continuing with the second wildlife surveys of selected cemeteries in Edinburgh. I've chosen what I consider to be the richest in wildlife, and am carrying out Spring surveys. I'm hoping that I might be given more days to eventually be able to survey all the cemeteries for a second time. Today I visited Comely Bank cemetery. 

This is a relatively large cemetery with lots of mature trees. In autumn the grass is covered in a selection of fungi, at the moment there's a lot of field wood rush looking at it's best

Although the ladybirds are waking up for the Spring, some are still resting on the gravestones, including this eyed ladybird - click on the photo to get a better view of this very pretty ladybird

The weather was quite warm and sunny for most of the time I was in the cemetery. So I was pleased to see a couple of queen buff tailed bumblebees patrolling the grass, looking for nest sites and a tree bumblebee climbing a tree looking for a likely nest site. I also saw a couple of hoverflies, but none of these pollinating insects stopped for long enough for me to take photos! 

Birds were singing loudly, including wrens, goldcrests, robins, coal tits and a mistle thrush

You can see photos of my previous visit to Comely Bank cemetery in this post


  1. I want to start looking at the bumble bees this summer but I bet they are mostly the eastern bumblebee here....

  2. I do like your first photograph ...

    You did see and hear a good collection of wildlife.

    All the best Jan

  3. You are so much farther along, with the warmth and greens!


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