
Wednesday 23 March 2022

The Dells are in bloom!

 Colinton and Craiglockart Dells along the Water of Leith seem to be full of lesser celandines at the moment! Combined with the warm sunshine they made it feel very much like Spring!

Another lovely yellow flower that appears at this time of year is coltsfoot. There's a bank of these flowers in the Dells, but most of them are behind a temporary fence which is restricting access due to a fallen wall, so it's difficult to get a photo. Luckily these coltsfoots are outside the fence and happy to be photographed.

Another flower has just come into bloom that is much easier to overlook, and that's the larch flower 

Despite my Botany degree, I only first noticed larch flowers when I chose a larch for Tree Following back in 2014. I posted here in 2014 to show the development of the flower into a cone and this post in 2019 to show the early stages of the development of the flower. 

The birds were busy today. Chiffchaffs, song thrushes, chaffinches, robins and wrens were among those singing most loudly, while magpies were building nests and a great spotted woodpecker was drumming. I also saw a pair of bullfinches and a treecreeper

As ever, coloured text takes you to other webpages, where you can find out more.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know you had a degree in botany. I am trying to organize photos and info of my garden beds and organize them into the classifications.....It is taking some time.


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