
Wednesday 2 February 2022

Year of the Tiger

Yesterday marked the beginning of the lunar Year of the Tiger. Since the last year of the tiger in 2010, tiger numbers have increased significantly in some areas, but these big cats have disappeared from other areas. Intense conservation efforts are still essential if we are to ensure that these magnificent creatures survive for future generations to love them. 

Here are some links that are worth reading: 

Mongabay looks at conservation efforts across the world and assesses the best approaches to looking after tigers; 

The Zoological Society of London shares their assessment of the state of tiger conservation, which includes some ideas on how you can get involved; and 

This piece from Wildcats Conservation Alliance focuses on how you can support tiger conservation.

 Securing a Viable Future for the Tiger is a long report by a coalition of conservation organisations. 

Restoring Asia's Roar - World Wildlife Fund looks specifically at the state of tigers in Asia.


I shared my poem Year of the Tiger for the last lunar Year of the Tiger in 2010. You can read it here

You can see a tiger themed craft project  from many years ago in this post (I still use this lovely container!)

My short story The Tiger's Tale recently appeared in the CATS - Cycling across Time and Space anthology. You can read my review of the book here.

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