
Saturday 2 January 2021

Winter Wonderland at Saughton Park

 It snowed again last night. I was slightly apprehensive about going out, as yesterday I had been very uncomfortable about walking on snow and ice, but today I felt much better about it. We had a lovely walk down to and round Saughton Park, which is a winter wonderland at the moment.

The formal gardens are just as pretty in the snow




We were amused by this miniature snow person on the bridge 

(You can see more of my photos of Edinburgh's snow people here).

There were plenty of birds around, though we didn't see the kingfisher (which has been reportedly seen today) but the most exciting moment was watching the two otters playing around just in front of us. Crafty Green Boyfriend got this photo of one of them 



  1. Looks like a pretty small amount of snow, maybe 1cm? But as you said, snow does beat ice! I liked the pic in the gardens, nice to see some stuff is still green.

    How much daylight are you getting this time of year? I don’t expect it’s much. It starts getting dark here by 5:30pm, and that’s an improvement over a week ago.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. You lucky people! I've never seen an otter.

  4. Hi Larry, yes not much snow really. We get very little daylight at this time of year, it's dark by around 4pm and can seem dark earlier than that if its cloudy.

    Carruthers - we are very lucky in Edinburgh to have otters in the Water of leith

  5. What a winterland full of natural wonder! No snow here... we are promised sleet tonight, but it has yet to come. All the best for 2021... may it be easier than 2020.

  6. Happy New Year!

  7. I've heard you guys have had some very foul weather up there. Hope you're keeping well. Great pics. Thanks.

    Greetings from London.


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