
Tuesday 5 January 2021

Ice on the Water

 Our temperatures have risen in the last 24 hours and much of the ice has melted from the streets and pavements. We're back in lockdown but this time with no restriction on how long we spend exercising outside (I suspect this is because most people won't spend long outside in the current weather, COVID restrictions or no!). We had a lovely walk to and round Inverleith Park, where the pond is still frozen and there are some nice reflections of the trees. 

The snack kiosk in the corner of the park does wonderful cakes too.


  1. Our paths and pavements have melted and refrozen only to melt and refreeze the next night and have done for the last few days - making walking quite a combat sport with plenty of 'thrills and spills' ..... as for walkers - we have plenty and not all locals!

  2. We’re supposed to freeze tonight. Schools here have declared tomorrow an “online learning day.” It’s just another work day for me, I’ll hop upstairs and get to it like always. As much as I hate the pandemic, I like not having a commute.


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