
Friday 8 January 2021

Formula One Racing or A Wildlife Haven?

 It seems like a no-branier to those of us who love nature and understand the value of wildlife. 


The Lagoons, were created in 1964 by the South of Scotland Electricity Board. Three hundred acres of land have been reclaimed from the sea with pulverised fuel ash from Cockenzie Power Station. The area has become an important area for wading birds and sea ducks and has nice tree lined paths that lead to concrete bird hides.Musselburgh lagoons are now in fact the best place for birdwatching anywhere near Edinburgh 

and plans for a Formula One racing track seem totally inexplicable. However, those are the plans that were put forward recently - you can read more here

If you agree that turning a wildlife haven into a Formula One racing circuit is a stupid idea, then please consider signing the petition against the development here. There are already almost 5,000 signatures, showing the strength of feeling against this madness. 


In other news, I've been making earrings recently and you can see the latest pairs in my Crafty Green Poet Etsy store here and here


  1. The planners' mantra. I thought the first paragraph would be about benefits to the local economy and I was right. They rarely materialise in full.

  2. I'm in a sarcastic mood this morning, which is better than the mood I've been in since Wednesday. While I'm not much of a racing fan, I will offer a compromise. There is a golf course somewhere over three that's owned by an American that could be utilized for the track

  3. Nice crafts and yes - a stupid idea!

  4. Hi Carruthers - indeed, benefits are often claimed that have no basis in reality

    Jeff - now there's an idea!

    Rabbits Guy - thanks


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