
Monday 11 January 2021

Creative Inspiration and the first snowdrops of the year

 Today I was delighted to receive a parcel in the post! A goodie bag from the East Lothian Creative Club, which is a group that started during lockdown to offer creative inspiration to people in East Lothian. I seem to have been accepted as an honorary member (Edinburgh is next door to East Lothian but not part of it, and current COVID restrictions mean we cannot travel there, which is a shame as I enjoy birdwatching in Musselburgh (see this post for unsettling news about a potential development in Musselburgh).)

This is what was in the parcel:

So I will need to start thinking and creating! 

I was annoyed recently when this lovely container, that I use to store the threads I'm using in current sewing projects, got damaged

but then I realised I could take advantage of the damaged area 

Crafty Green Boyfriend and I took our usual exercise route through the local cemeteries at lunchtime today and were happy to see that the first snowdrops are showing themselves! 

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