
Monday 29 April 2019

Blossom everywhere

It's not just the cherry trees, though these look lovely still, despite the recent rain - these are along the wetland wildlfower meadow planted by Water of Leith Conservation Trust near the site of Bog's Mill

and the cowslips are among the first of the flowers to appear in the meadow

Some cherry trees are only just starting to flower, like this bird cherry in the Hidden Meadow

which true to its name is full of birds (always!). The lichen covered apple trees in the Hidden Meadow are also in bloom

as is the wild currant

The bluebells are coming out too, these are in the Hidden Meadow

while large parts of the Dells are full of bluebells.

There are Spanish and hybrid bluebells here as well as native British bluebells. Those above are possibly native or more likely hybrid.

The larch flowers are steadily developing into cones, this is what they look like this week

I posted about the whole development from new flower to mature cone here.

And the wild garlic (ramsons) is in bloom in much of the Dells

Oh and let's not forget the first violets of the year

And the air is full of birdsong, it really is Spring!

for Nature Notes 


  1. Hello, beautiful blossoms and colors. Happy Monday, enjoy your day! Wishing you a great new week ahead.

  2. Isn't Spring wonderful!
    I enjoyed seeing all of your photographs.

    All the best Jan

  3. Such a wonderful selection of blossoms.
    I do like this time of year.

    All the best Jan

  4. How exciting to see so much spring color! I'm excited for you, even if I am facing autumn and winter.


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