
Friday 29 December 2017

It's Cold at Cramond

 It's cold out at Cramond today!
But plenty of birds around, including this carrion crow

this grey heron

several turnstones

and a few ringed plovers


  1. Hello, it seems the birds do not mind the cold. Great sightings and scenery. ENjoy your day and weekend. Happy New Year to you and yours!

  2. __ Juliet, we wish you and your Crafty Boyfriend, and to all, the best of "Nature's New Year" for now... and forever. _m

  3. Do birds wear boots?

  4. Anonymous2:47 am

    well it is quite hot and humid here - 34 degrees Celsius ;)

  5. Hi Eileen, they certainly seem not to mind...

    Magyar, thanks and the same to you!

    Rabbits' Guy - funnily enough Crafty Green Boyfriend has just been reading about geese who have boots made for them.....

    Gabrielle - that's hot!

  6. Great photos which look so cold and gloomy..... Here the snow had gone quickly and now it's raining 'warm' water.
    Wish you and your friend a Happy and Healty New Year, spending lots of time outside in our wonderful nature.


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