
Saturday 30 December 2017

Feed the Birds!

We had a lovely walk this morning at Cammo, walking through the fields by the old water tower

where we saw a roe deer

Sadly Edinburgh City Council is planning on building houses on some of these fields (you can see my previous posts about that here).

We then walked into Cammo Country Park. We had some bird food with us and scattered most of it round some fallen trunks where several birds had already gathered. We then stood and watched for a few minutes while the birds came in to feed, the blue tits

the great tits

the robins (posing beautifully for next year's Christmas card!)

and the nuthatches (can you see how many seeds its got in its beak?)

Here's advice on feeding birds on the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) website.


  1. A beautiful - and cold - collection of photos!

  2. So many beautiful birds! Have a wonderful New Year, Juliet.

  3. Anonymous4:39 am

    lovely little birds, especially the Robin - must see one in the real world one day

  4. A real pity to see these fields go, originally green belt. Tower looks good in the snow. Snow was mostly was gone by the next day!


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