
Friday 24 November 2017

Wintry clouds

I joined Crafty Green Boyfriend up Corstorphine Hill again for a lunchtime walk today! The low clouds over the Pentland Hills were very impressive

and this skeleton tree looks beautiful against the cloudy sky

There were lots of bullfinches and chaffinches flying around this part of the hill, the male bullfinches' breasts shining beautifully pink in the low sunlight. They didn't want to stop for photos though!

The falling leaves are rotting down now but are still beautiful

and the hairy stereum fungus is looking at its best!


  1. Hello,

    Pretty skies and I love the fungi. Great photos. Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

  2. Lovely photos and also in the post below. There's a lot of weather about at the moment.

  3. I love wintry skies and how as the sun sets the forests seem to glow red.

  4. Lovely skies again and nice photo's of the fungi too!

    Wishing you a good weekend.

    All the best Jan


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